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just saying

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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I saw a little of oprah yesterday(the 4th of oct.2010)and it was about the animals.I was watching her tell everyone to go out and adopt a pet from a shelter and how her own 3 dogs were from shelters and how we should support the shelters.I don't know but something swelled up in me or either that was the straw that broke the camels back because I went off on a tirade of sorts.I mean these celebs getting on national t.v during what alot of us normal folks call a recession and push for us to support our animal shelters or give till it hurts to some third world country has lost its appeal to me.For one,and let's be real,anyone of these banner toting celebs could easily maintain any one or two of these shelters and put it as a writeoff on their taxes.Under the giving to charity clause to be more to the point.How dare they wave these defenseless creatures before our eyes to play on our sympathy.Well I for one find no justice in it.I think it actually shows a lack of morals on their parts.I mean how can you use airtime to hold up shelters and actually show the killing room for these animals and not give till it hurts especially when forbes magazine has you listed as one of the top wage earners for this year?ok being it was oprah that I saw last then let me say this about her.She has three dogs on all that acreage of land she has.What about the other homes she maintains?I mean can't she have at least 3 on each of those to keep the staff company?What about Jay Leno?He has a garage full of parked cars so can't he keep a kennel maintained so animals aren't put to sleep?What about sarah mclaughin who does the song on the commercial for the aspca,does she take care of any animals that her bank account can easily support?They do shows about raising money for third world countries but they don't give till it hurts,do they?No they actually give so it doesn't hurt them at tax time.Remember the charity clause?Oh and let's not forget the holier then thou ones that seek out a pet project like adopting from third world countries,that one precious one that will not make a scene as they are paraded in front of the cameras so the project holder can stand so proud for being such a good samartan.Why aren't they adopting some of their own countrymen?Isn't there enough poverty right here in america for all of these celebs and I am including the oh so righteous sports players,to adopt into and try to help bail us out of?How about some compassion for the human beings right under your noses?They keep going over to God knows where and bring back some pet project for all of us to awe and ew over.Do they think that they are actually setting examples of charity?Imo what they are setting examples of is scam your name in the paper and scam on tv and that is it.I could use some of that charity,how about you?

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October 26, 2008
Posts: 236

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`oh, yeah, I feel your pain.
My rant comes not from Oprah but from the obscenely ridiculous salaries that are paid to guys to wear padded suits and chase a ball.....millions.
Those guys should be REQUIRED to support a cause in America.
Same with all celebrities.
They, both sports figures and celebrities made their money on the backs of fans.
What would be the point of either of them if common man did not get out there and watch those games, buy those cd's or go to the movies.

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May 30, 2009
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`exactly cookinbubbles,it is ridiculous the salaries these sports players and actors get especially when we are in a recession.You know what was on the news last night?More families are getting food stamps now more then ever.Yes I know we have more people but opening the borders wider when other administrations have tried to shut it is just plain stupid imo.Our eluctrious president can't get off the hollywood track long enough to help us imo.I mean 8 vacations so far?Are they serious?These celebs and ball players could easily donate an acre of land on any or all of their propertys to these shelters or even for a home for the elderly or even renovate some abandoned building for the homeless or low-income families.No they would rather further their cause or shall we say their career by parading in front of the cameras with a sympathy dripping cause which we know their p.relation guy has suggested because if the celebs name isn't out there alot then they don't get the big bucks for their movie example angelina pitt.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`I'm inclined to agree with both you lovely ladies. Pretty smart thinking, and let's not forget my pet peeve High Priced mouth pieces, like politicians. Who can't make a decision unless the voters are financing it. Money hungry fools each and everyone one of them.

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October 26, 2008
Posts: 236

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`oh, don't get me started on politicians...LOL
NONE of them follow through with campaign promises and voters forget, when they are listening to all the lies, that no politician works alone and there are many others involved in everything they do. So even if the politician is a s straight as an arrow and honest as the day is long, he does not rule alone.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Oh I agree cookinbubbles, That's why I call them a mouth piece, Their like lawyers, if the money is good they can convince everyone that a lie is gospel. They are never alone they travel in packs much like the ravenous dogs they emulate. they smell money and they seek to pray on the weak minded. As long as they get paid they care less for right from wrong. But that's just my opinion ...

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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`These politicians are voted INTO office by the people to defend our rights and to give a voice to our concerns or better yet to get the ball rolling in the direction we the people wish for our country to go in.Example the latest election imo was a prime example of getting those liars or self-serving ones out of office.If these don't get it going the way we the people wish for it to go then at the NEXT election we the people will voice our wishes in the way we have.Now if we the people don't pay attention to what IS HAPPENING and not what we are told WILL HAPPEN then we can't blame anyone but ourselves.If you or I don't have a clue as to which one to vote for then let me suggest prayer as this has always worked for me even when I didn't think it would.IMO THE CREATOR is the only clear choice as for the leadership role so asking him to guide us in the election as to whom would be best suited to represent us at that time,is the most level-headed,logical choice.IMO when someone that is suppose to be helping you get out of debt tells you to your face more-or-less, via tv, that the way to do it is to spend more and you go right ahead and vote them into office then what happens next,increase in our debt,is no-ones fault but your own.IMO if someone you vote into office takes more vacations in the first seven months then the last two presidents combined almost,then again there is no one to blame but yourself.IMO if you can't do anything but holler racism to try to keep control of something you never had control over to begin with then there is something seriously wrong with your soul.gbu

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former member default image - bird flying away

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That is one topic i can go on and on about for weeks . I Think it is sick when you have ppl getting paid millons a year to play a sport a pasttime things that started out to be hobbys for the ppl when you have ppl like me and my wife i am terminally ill given 5 years if im lucky and what would i make on ssi 260 dollers a month omg what the hell we have pets out there eatting 260 doller meals but a person a real life person cannot aford the meds he needs to stay alive but let that be a animal in need and you will have the hole us milatary running in to save it but a real live flesh and blood person can only sit and wait to die i mean really what kinda of world is it when animals have more rights then ppl im just glad i make really good money or my wife would have been a widow long time ago

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